
BYU Graduate Seminars - Winter 2018

Graduate Seminar Schedule

Topic Date Time Presenter Host
Job Finding and Preparing for Employment 11 Jan 4 PM Professor Brad Bundy
Power grid strategies and optimization for dynamic charging of EV's 18 Jan 4 PM Prof. John Salmon, BYU Mechanical Engineering JNH
Contact angle hysteresis on various surfaces 25 Jan 4 PM Dr. Steven Page, Procter & Gamble Co. DJS
3 Minute Thesis Competition 1 Feb 4 PM BYU ChE Graduate Students JNH
Progress Toward Electrochemical Bio-oil Upgrading 8 Feb 4 PM Dr. Jamie Holladay, PNNL JNH
Simulation of Wildland Fires 15 Feb 4 PM Dr. Rod Linn, Los Alamos National Lab DOL
Cutting Edge, Edging Ahead, Heading Forward 22 Feb 4 PM Dr. Matthew Hall, Intel JNH
Constructing Molecular Interfaces for Physics and Biology (joint seminar with BYU chemistry department) 1 Mar 4 PM Prof. Paul Rothemund, California Institute of Technology JNH
Innovation in Nuclear: The TerraPower Molten Chloride Fast Reactor Concept 8 Mar 4 PM Dr. Kent E. Wardle, TerraPower MJM
Oxygen Lancing in Industrial Processes 15 Mar 4 PM Dr. Brad Damstedt, Praxair AF
Transportation Fuels and High-value Chemicals from Thermal Conversion of Biomass 22 Mar 4 PM Professor Fernando Resende, University of Washington THF
Industrial Research From Concept to Commercialization: The story of SA-SAGD 29 Mar 4 PM Dr. Neal Adair, Exxon Mobil JNH
Self Assembly of Ionic Liquids and Their Mixtures 5 Apr 4 PM Professor Jindal Shah, Oklahoma State University WGP
Using theory and simulations to link molecular features to structure and thermodynamics in polymeric materials 12 Apr 4 PM Professor Arthi Jayaraman, University of Delaware TAK

Graduate seminars are held every week on Thursday at 4 PM Mountain Time. Seminars consist of industrial topics and academic research in chemical engineering and related disciplines. The seminar speakers include professors, graduate students, industrial collaborators, and other guests. Attendance at all seminars (except the opening social) is required. Please register your attendance on this google form. Speakers should plan to end at 4:40 to allow at least 10 minutes for questions and discussion.

Students may make up seminars by attending seminars by watching or attending other relevant seminars at BYU. The Mechanical Engineering department holds seminars on Monday at 4 PM in 381 CB. Makeup seminars should be reported on a makeup form online.
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