BYU ChE Graduate Seminar
Graduate Student Seminar
Welcome to the graduate student seminar. This seminar is offered every Fall and Winter semesters and includes technical presentations by graduate students, faculty members, and guests. The objectives of the seminar course are to:
- Learn from world-class researchers about solutions to contemporary scientific and engineering problems through the application of fundamental principles
- Identify and communicate to others principles of workplace safety
- Foster collaboration with other researchers and institutions
Graduate Scholar Award
Submit a request to receive a BYU graduate scholar award for BYU graduate students to present at a conference.

Safety Moment
Each graduate seminar begins with a safety presentation. The safety moment includes discussion related to working in research labs or in industry.
Date: Thursday - 11:00-11:50 am, Mountain Time Location: 321 EB or 325 EB
Doug Tree (Fall) John Hedengren (Winter) Office: 330 EB
The course is 0.5 credit hours. The course is cross listed as CH EN 691R (master's candidates) and CH EN 791R (doctoral candidates). It is graded as Pass / Fail. Students are expected to attend all scheduled sessions for a Pass. See posted syllabus for additional information.