
Presentation Resources

Effective communication skills, particularly in video production, are becoming increasingly vital in today's digital era, especially in the field of engineering education. The ability to create and share videos allows for the dissemination of technical content to a far broader audience than traditional methods. There is power in words to have individuals think, feel, or do something different because of that presentation.

Many engineers have presented at a conference where there are several hundred participants. When these presentations are recorded and posted online, the reach of the technical content extends by several orders of magnitude beyond the conference. See example of a technical presentation recorded for online distribution.

This has been successfully demonstrated by numerous engineering faculty and students who have harnessed the power of engaging online content to teach valuable skills and bring engineering concepts to life.

Their videos not only make complex engineering ideas more accessible but also inspire and ignite a passion for learning in a diverse, global audience.

Start Presentation with TECOS

When presenting your professional biography or any academic content, starting effectively is crucial. Use the TECOS method:

  • Thank - Show appreciation for the opportunity to engage with your audience.
  • Expert - Establish yourself as an expert and explain why the audience should listen to you.
  • Concerns - Acknowledge the audience's concerns and prior thoughts about your topic, showing you understand them before guiding them to new insights.
  • Objective - Clearly state the objective or purpose of your presentation.
  • Start - With the introduction complete, transition smoothly into the main content of your presentation.

Professional Biography

Creating a comprehensive professional biography is an essential step in reflecting on and sharing your academic and professional journey. This biography serves as a tool for self-reflection, networking, and career development. Here are the key components to include:

1. Educational Experience: Detail your academic journey starting from your undergraduate studies up to your current graduate program. Mention the institutions, degrees, majors, and any academic honors or awards received.

2. Articles Published: List your scholarly contributions, including published articles and papers. Provide titles, publication names, and summaries.

3. Research Interests: Describe your current research interests and any ongoing projects. Explain how these interests are connected to your academic path.

4. Work History: Outline your professional experiences, including internships, jobs, and volunteer work. Focus on roles and responsibilities related to your academic and research interests.

5. LinkedIn Profile: You may choose to update your profile with this information. Ensure your profile comprehensively reflects all the aspects mentioned above.

For a detailed guideline on each component, refer to the assignment in BYU Learning Suite. Remember, this biography is not just a collection of facts, but a narrative that weaves together your educational and professional experiences, highlighting your journey and aspirations in the academic and professional world.