Jose Mojica - BYU PRISM Group
Members.JoseMojica History
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- Mojica, J.L. and Hedengren, J.D., APMonitor: Modeling Platform for Dynamic Optimization, Invited Session on Optimization Modeling Languages and Software at APMOD 2014, 11th International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling, 9-11 April 2014, Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK. Abstract
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- Mojica, J.L., A Dynamic Optimization Framework with Model Predictive Control Elements for Long Term Planning of Capacity Investments in a District Energy System, Thesis, Brigham Young University, 2013. Download PDF Thesis Defense Presentation
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- Mojica, J.L., A Dynamic Optimization Framework with Model Predictive Control Elements for Long Term Planning of Capacity Investments in a District Energy System, Thesis, Brigham Young University, 2013. Download PDF Thesis Defense Presentation
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- Powell, K.M., Kim, J.S., Kapoor, K., Mojica, J.L., Hedengren, J.D., and Edgar, T.F., "Dynamic Optimization of a District Energy System with Combined Heat and Power and Thermal Energy Storage", Energy, in review, 2014.
Conference Publications
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- Mojica, J.L. and Hedengren, J.D., Planning of Capacity Investments using a Model Predictive Control Approach, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 2013. Abstract | Session | Presentation
- Hedengren, J.D., Mojica, J.L., Lewis, A.D. and Nikbakhsh, S., MINLP with Combined Interior Point and Active Set Methods, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 2013. Abstract | Session | Presentation
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- Mojica, J.L., Greenquist, I., Hedengren, J.D., Dynamic Optimization: Energy System Planning Under Uncertainty, INEST Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems CORE Workshop, Idaho Falls, ID, July 2013. Presentation
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Coming soon...
Conference Proceedings
- Hedengren, J.D., Mojica, J.L., Cole, W., Edgar, T.F., APOPT: MINLP Solver for Differential Algebraic Systems with Benchmark Testing, INFORMS National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct 2012. Abstract
- Hedengren, J.D., Mojica, J.L., Asgharzadeh Shishivan, R., Safdarnejad, S.M., Recent Advances in the Application of MIDAE Systems, AIChE National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 2013. Abstract
- Mojica, J.L., Hedengren, J.D., A Model Predictive Control Approach for Long Term Planning of Capacity Investments in a District Heating System, AIChE National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 2013. Abstract
- Hedengren, J.D., Mojica, J.L., Cole, W., Edgar, T.F., APOPT: MINLP Solver for Differential Algebraic Systems with Benchmark Testing, INFORMS National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct 2012. Abstract | Session | Presentation
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Conference Proceedings
- Hedengren, J.D., Mojica, J.L., Cole, W., Edgar, T.F., APOPT: MINLP Solver for Differential Algebraic Systems with Benchmark Testing, INFORMS National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct 2012. Abstract
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- Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Award
- Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Award
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- Dynamic Optimization and Control of Energy Systems
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Jose Mojica
Introduction on Jose Mojica
Research Interests
Paragraph on your research interests and objectives
Educational Experience
Relevant experience such as internships
List publications (coming soon)

Jose L. Mojica
Contact Information
- Email:
- Brigham Young University
- Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, April 2013
- University of Houston
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, May 2008
Research Interests
- Career Objectives
- Seek position to apply innovative chemical engineering and leadership skills.
- Explore different sectors of the energy and chemical process industry.
- Find application of novel engineering process control methods and dynamic optimization of industrial systems.
- Dynamic Optimization and Control of Energy Systems
- Modeling and dynamic optimization for integrated power plants using Matlab and APMonitor Modeling Language software.
- Investigating boiler performance and physical behavior to better understand the optimization and control potential when thermal energy storage is coupled to a power plant system.
Coming soon...
- Naphtha Hydrotreater Design, Aug 2007-May 2008
- Team design of a naphtha hydrotreating unit for a refinery. Preliminary PFD, heat and mass balance, major equipment sizing, and preliminary costs estimate using rigorous methods, and optimized through process modeling using Aspen Plus software package. Responsible for reactor design, and material and energy balances. Additionally, cost estimate and operating costs where determined as well as profitability in terms of NPV, RTEP, POT and VIR.
- UH Chemical Engineering Fuel Cell Technology Laboratory, Jan 2007-May 2008
- Research addresses characterization of nano-scale electrocatalysts using x-ray scattering methods.
- Strive to further understand relationship between synthesis, geometry, electronic structure, and electrocatalytic activity of novel nanostructured, multi-component alloy catalysts for fuel cell technology.
- UH Chemical Engineering Ion Plasma Laboratory, Aug βDec 2006
- Researched semiconductor etching methods using ion plasma.
- Focused on developing new surface analysis method using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to generate images of atomic scale surface composition.
- University of Houston Geosciences: Texas Air Quality Study, Jun-Aug 2006
- Investigated the extent of ozone pollution and ozone precursors in the Houston area.
- Designed site and laboratory equipment structures, analyzed and gathered data, and explored air quality problems of Houston area refineries and chemical industry in conjunction with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
- Mathematics and Chemistry Instructor, Jul 2008-Mar 2009
- Mathematics instructor for Beresford High School, designed to accommodate students who utilize higher level cognitive processes.
- Private chemistry instructor for MCAT and DAT exams for students at the Texas Medical Center.
- President of UH American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Jan 2007-Jan 2008
- Elected to lead an expanding professional organization on campus.
- Responsibilities include the development and organization of activities on the local and regional level.
- The main focus is team work and delegation of responsibilities to achieve organizationβs goals.
- AIChE 2006 Regional Conference Competitions Chair, Mar 2006
- Organized and safely executed Research Paper and Chemical Car Competitions for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Regional Conference.
- Developed experience in project management, people skills, as well as in safety and accident minimization in handling of hazardous materials.
Interests and Awards
- Honors Thesis: Platinum alloy nano-catalyst for fuel cells
- Fluor Foundation Engineering Scholarship
- Professional Associations
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
- Electrochemical Society
- Omega Chi Epsilon: The Chemical Engineering Honor Society
- Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Award
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Jose Mojica
Introduction on Jose Mojica
Research Interests
Paragraph on your research interests and objectives
Educational Experience
Relevant experience such as internships
List publications (coming soon)