Tyler Winzenried
Contact Information
- Email: winzenriedt@byuspe.com
- Brigham Young University, Fulton School of Engineering and Technology, July 2012- Present
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
- College of Southern Nevada, September 2011- June 2012
Research Interests
- Reservoir Simulation and Optimization, Carbon Capture and Sequestration
- PRISM Research Group, April 2014- Present
- Publicity Chair and Webmaster: The Society of Petroleum Engineers, January 2014- Present
- Led a team in the inception and production of professional webpage
- Created advertisement flyers for upcoming events
- Created biweekly newsletter for general membership
- Intern: Sustainable Energy Solutions, LLC
- Created and implemented techniques for obtaining cryogenic experimental data
- Collaborated with team members in development of skid-scale carbon capture apparatus
- Led a project to create new company webpage
- Research Assistant: Cryogenic Carbon Capture, Dr. Larry Baxter
- Led a team in development of a large chemical database of 30,000+ datapoints
- Created user interface for the database
- Presented database to various company leaders
- Nevada Boys' State Nominee, Eagle Scout Award, Advanced Honors Diploma, Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
- Webpage Design, Guitar, Running