Lee Jacobsen - BYU PRISM Group
Members.LeeJacobsen History
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Changed line 29 from:
- Lee T. Jacobsen and John D. Hedengren, Model Predictive Control with a Rigorous Model of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Preprint submitted to American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, 2013. Preprint
- Lee T. Jacobsen and John D. Hedengren, Model Predictive Control with a Rigorous Model of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Preprint submitted to American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, 2013. Preprint Presentation
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- Co-authored paper published in Biochemical Engineering Journal on Sulfide in Bio-Reactors
- Jacobsen, L. T. and Hedengren, J. D., Model Predictive Control with a Rigorous Model of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Preprint submitted to American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, 2013. Preprint
- Lee T. Jacobsen and John D. Hedengren, Model Predictive Control with a Rigorous Model of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Preprint submitted to American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, 2013. Preprint
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- Peng Hu, Lee T. Jacobsen, James G. Horton, and Randy S. Lewis, Sulfide assessment in bioreactors with gas replacement, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp 429β434, 2010. Abstract
- Peng Hu, Lee T. Jacobsen, James G. Horton, and Randy S. Lewis, Sulfide assessment in bioreactors with gas replacement, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp 429β434, 2010. Abstract
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- Peng Hu, Lee T. Jacobsen, James G. Horton, and Randy S. Lewis, Sulfide assessment in bioreactors with gas replacement, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp 429β434, 2010. Abstract
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- Jacobsen, L. T. and Hedengren, J. D., Model Predictive Control with a Rigorous Model of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Preprint submitted to American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, 2013. Preprint
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- Hobbies: photography, hiking, and clay pigeon shooting
- Hobbies: photography, hiking, and clay pigeon shooting
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- Eagle Scout
- Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America
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Lee Jacobsen
Introduction on Lee Jacobsen
Research Interests
Paragraph on your research interests and objectives
Educational Experience
Relevant experience such as internships
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Lee T. Jacobsen
Contact Information
- Email: ljacob7@gmail.com
- Brigham Young University
- Chemical Engineering, GPA 3.61 / 4.0
- Graduation Date: April 2012
Research Interests
- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling and Control
- Created linear constrained controller for tubular solid oxide fuel cell
- Worked with state-of-the-art 1st principles solid oxide fuel cell MATLAB model
- Used APMonitor software for model predictive control environment and optimization
- Co-authored paper published in Biochemical Engineering Journal on Sulfide in Bio-Reactors
- ExxonMobil Plastics Plant- HPPE, Baker, LA, May 2011-August 2011
- Site material balance trouble-shooting
- Identified source of 15 monthsβ worth of ethylene material balance discrepancies
- Stream-lined loss identification for future end of month material balances
- Site material balance trouble-shooting
- Contact Engineer Internship - ExxonMobil Refinery- Cat Light Ends, Baton Rouge, LA, April 2010-August 2010
- Monitored and worked with operations and technical to optimize De-Propanizer units
- Co-developed a Vent Gas Monitoring Tool to enable controllers to quickly identify gas sources
- Designed and received technical & economic approval to install an MEA scrubber sampling facility
- Improve Engineer Internship - ExxonMobil Chemical Plant- Aromatics, Baton Rouge, LA, January 2009-June 2009
- Engineered and passed two capital projects through Safe-Team
- Designed water-seal system correcting safety hazards on benzene/toluene finishing unit
- Designed natural gas system to correct liquid hammering on mixed- xylenes finishing unit
- Conducted several plant tests working with field operators and control operators
- Received award for technical excellence for energy usage improvements on the aromatics unit
- Engineered and passed two capital projects through Safe-Team
- Bio-Fuels Department, BYU/Coskata Inc., August 2008-August 2011
- Conducted research using microbes for the production of ethanol from H2, CO2, and CO, gases
- Trouble-shooting and configuring 2- Liter CSTR
- Research centered on finding optimal ORP ratio for microbe growth and ethanol production
- Conducted research using microbes for the production of ethanol from H2, CO2, and CO, gases
- Surface Crew - Redmond Minerals, Redmond, UT, March 2007-Aug 2007
- Operated processing machinery (belt lines, packaging equipment, electronic scales)
- Experience operating: Fork lift, Skid Loader, CAT 980 G front-end loader
- Worked ten-hour shifts and was responsible for meeting quota of prepared product per week
- Volunteer - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, West Indies, Caribbean, March 2005-March 2007
- Leadership over groups of ten to fifteen other volunteers
- Conducted over 30 workshops emphasizing effectiveness and efficiency
Interests and Awards
- BYU Global Engineering Outreach- Humanitarian Engineering Projects
- Eagle Scout
- Hobbies: photography, hiking, and clay pigeon shooting
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Lee Jacobsen
Introduction on Lee Jacobsen
Research Interests
Paragraph on your research interests and objectives
Educational Experience
Relevant experience such as internships
List publications (coming soon)